Latest Episodes
March 03, 2017
Episode 553 – Witnessing to Jews Pt 2
How do Jews view Jesus? Why are so many Jews resistant to Christ and the Gospel message? How do we effectively share Christ with...
March 02, 2017
Episode 552 – Witnessing to Jews Pt 1
How do we share Christ with our Jewish friends? What are some barriers that Christians need to break through? What are some effective passages...
January 21, 2017
Episode 545 – Interview with Greg Koukl Pt 2
How do we effectively communicate the Gospel with a hostile skeptic? How do I have a meaningful dialogue with someone when I am not...
January 21, 2017
Episode 544 – Interview with Greg Koukl Pt 1
What does it mean to be an Ambassador for Christ? What are the skills necessary to be an effective Ambassador that can make an...
January 21, 2017
Episode 541 – Joy in the Midst of Suffering: Interview with The Rogers Family Pt 3
Sometimes tragedy seems to come in waves. Jill agonized watching her son hospitalized with heart failure but soon after her husband suffered from a...
January 21, 2017
Episode 539 – Joy in the Midst of Suffering: Interview with The Rogers Family Pt 1
How do we deal with pain and suffering? How do we make it through the darkest moments in life? Listen as the Rogers family...