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One of the most dangerous ideas embraced by our culture today is the New Tolerance. What is the new tolerance and why is it so dangerous? Listen as Pat presents the danger of the new tolerance.
One of the most dangerous ideas embraced by our culture today is the New Tolerance. What is the new tolerance and why is it so dangerous? Listen as Pat presents the danger of the new tolerance.
May 05, 2014
Tolerance is one of the most cherished values of western culture today. However, a new and dangerous definition of tolerance has been embraced by...
August 26, 2007
Zukeran, Patrick | Host of Evidence and Answers Broadcast Science and the Bible, are they in conflict? Has science disproven God? Some of the...
June 10, 2019
Guest Speaker: Rhodes, Ron Ph.D | President of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries Is there the possibility of life on other planets? Several years...