Evidence and Answers

Evidence and Answers Radio Show – Broadcasting daily, Evidence and Answers is an international radio show featuring top apologetic scholars, such as Norman Geisler, William Lane Craig, Ron Rhodes, and...more

Latest Episodes

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February 16, 2024

Episode 985 – Q & A Session Pt 1 – 2023 E and A Apologetics Conference

Was death a part of the Genesis creation? What about predestination and free will? Are there other possible explanations for the empty tomb of...



Episode cover

February 15, 2024

Episode 984 – Panel Discussion on The Age Of The Earth Pt 3 – 2023 Apologetics Conference

What is the age of the earth? Is it billions of years old or thousands of years old? What is at the heart of...



Episode cover

February 14, 2024

Episode 983 – Panel Discussion on The Age Of The Earth Pt 2 – 2023 Apologetics Conference

Is the earth billions of years old or is it six thousand years old. The age of the earth has unfortunately been a very...



Episode cover

February 13, 2024

Episode 982 – Panel Discussion on The Age Of The Earth Pt 1 – 2023 Apologetics Conference

How old is the universe and earth? There are three views Christians hold regarding the age of the earth: Young earth creationism, old earth...



Episode cover

February 12, 2024

Episode 981 – Why The Universe Is The Way It Is Pt 2 – 2023 Apologetics Conference

If there is a loving and powerful creator God, why is there so much decay and suffering? Why does God allow death and suffering...



Episode cover

February 10, 2024

Episode 1020 – Israel Hamas Conflict Part 4 – Will Israel Endure? Pt 1

According to the Bible, Israel’s redemption spells the final doom for Satan. Therefore, as we near the end of the age, we will see...

