Show Notes
Did Christian theology arise out from the Greek mystery religions of Mithras, Osiris, Attis and others? Is there a pagan connection? Listen as Pat answers this challenge and examines the historical evidence.
Did Christian theology arise out from the Greek mystery religions of Mithras, Osiris, Attis and others? Is there a pagan connection? Listen as Pat answers this challenge and examines the historical evidence.
December 21, 2016
Should Christians watch Star Wars? Pat Zukeran says “Yes!” This series addresses some big questions of life that should be discussed. Listen as Pat...
September 11, 2024
Much of the culture and even the Christian community believes Religion is subjective and science is objective and deals with the facts. Therefore, nothing...
June 17, 2021
One of the fastest growing and deadliest addictions today is pornography. How is this epidemic destroying our society today? How can we fight this...